
Showing posts from December, 2009


Good video showing Krento features

Hidden Krento settings

Krento does not use Windows registry to store the settings, but INI file instead. The name of the configuration file is  C:\Documents and Settings\ User Name \Application Data\Krento\Krento.ini [Position] Left=640 Top=512 Location=ScreenCenter The ' Location " parameter can have two values: ScreenCenter and Point . When Location is defined as ScreenCenter , then Krento is always appears at the screen center. When the value is Point ,  Krento  appears at the point of mouse cursor where you pressed mouse wheel.

Krento screenshot from Download for All site


Reading eID card from VBA using Middleware ActiveX control

Sample code from Private Sub Command1_Click(ByVal eventSender As System.Object, ByVal eventArgs As System.EventArgs) Handles Command1.Click ' Written by Sylvain Kusters ' Free to use to everyone ' If you come with better solution (quicker) please let me also profit from your code. ' ' Visit also Dim lHandle As Integer 'BEID_ Kaart Info Dim strCardNumber As String Dim strBegValDag, strBegVal, strBegValMaand As Object Dim strBegValJaar As String Dim strEndValDag, strEndVal, strEndValMaand As Object Dim strEndValJaar As String Dim strIssuingMunicipality As String 'BEID Persoons Info Dim strName As String Dim strFirstName1 As String Dim strBirthPlace As String Dim strBirthDate As String Dim strGender As String Dim strNationality As String Dim strNationalNumber As String '...

Krento is listed on Download4a


Krento, software, freeware to quickly launch applications of our computer - Macworld

Krento, software, freeware to quickly launch applications of our computer - Macworld

Krento video on YouTube

Free Software Downloads

Free Software Downloads - Over 3000 Softwares Free downloads

Listing Krento on

Product page:

Krento received a 5 stars rating at Freeware Shareware Center


Krento has been granted Trusted Software Certification

"Your product Krento was fully tested by our editor. It has been granted the Trusted Software Certification. This means your product does not contain spyware, adware, viruses and other malware. You can see your product and its certification icon on the download page at: " TopShareware Editorial Team

Krento - 5 stars rated on

Your product, Krento 1.0, has been tested 100% clean and rated 5 stars on Your product can be reached from the following URL: The GearDownload Team award for Krento


Krento 1.0 - Award

Krento 1.0, it has been reviewed by the testing department and found to be completely clean of spyware components, your application have been approved.

Krento listed and awarded on

Krento 1.0 has been added to software archive and rated with '5 Star Award'. - is a software archive with more than 90,000 software programs, shareware and freeware, daily updated.

Krento 1.0 - Award

Krento has been tested by the editors team and found to be completely clean of adware/spyware components. Krento review page is located at: . Krento has received 4 stars award from Soft-Files editors team, based on price, usability, documentation & support.

Krento on AB-Downloads Team awarded Krento


ActualDownload awarded Krento with a highest award.

"Looks awesome! Our team have awarded Krento organizer with a highest award." ActualDownload team

La librairie EIDNative est un SDK pour la carte Identité électronique belge et pour la carte SIS belge

Librairie EIDNative La librairie EIDNative est un SDK pour la carte Identité électronique belge et pour la carte SIS belge. L'API de la librairie EIDNative est native pour: * Microsoft .NET * Native Win32 * Visual Basic 6.0 and VBA * Java (seulement pour Windows) et supporte les langages de programmation suivants: * touts les langages .NET (C#, Visual Basic .NET, Delphi .NET, etc...) * Visual C++ * Visual Basic 6.0 * Visual Basic for applications (Microsoft Office) * Delphi * Java Un projet démo est inclus pour chaque langage supporté. La librairie EIDNative implémente une API pour tout les langages cibles supportés. Par exemple la version .NET est écrite en C#, la version Delphi est écrite en Delphi et la version Java est écrite en Java sans utilisé COM ou ActiveX. La librairie EIDNative est la première solution feeware pour la carte d'identité belge eID et pour la carte SIS  compatible avec le middleware officiel ("Belgian eID Middleware")...

Detecting file changes using file watching thread

An application can monitor the contents of a file by using change notifications. unit FileWatch; interface uses Windows, SysUtils, Classes; type TFileWatch = class(TThread) private FFileName : string; FOnFileChanged: TNotifyEvent; FHandle : THandle; FLastTime : TFileTime; FActive : boolean; procedure ReleaseHandle; procedure AllocateHandle; procedure SetFileName(const Value: String); protected procedure Execute; override; procedure Notify; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Suspend; procedure Resume; procedure Reset; published property OnNotify: TNotifyEvent read FOnFileChanged write FOnFileChanged; property FileName: String read FFileName write SetFileName; property LastTime: TFileTime read FLastTime write FLastTime; property Active: boolean read FActive write FActive; end; implementation resourcestring SErrAllocHandle = 'Could no...

Free idDebugger Download

Free idDebugger 1 Download | idDebugger 1 Direct Download Review by FileBEAST's Nameless_1: idDebugger is an excellent little freeware application designed to simplify the debugging process by allowing for the testing of CGI and ISAPI applications without the need for an internet server. What this essentially means is the usually laborious, time consuming task of debugging applications during the development process is simplified and streamlined significantly. idDebugger is small and simple in design, and instead of offering a wide range of features it chooses rather to focus specifically on improving one very tedious aspect of the development process, and succeeds tremendously. Of course, this has the added advantage of making the application fast and easy to use, and developers are definitely going to appreciate the new ease with which ISAPI and CGI applications can now be debugged. Being both a solid performer and a great time saver, idDebugger is a very attractive freeware ...

Simple EAN - 13 barcode generator

Here is a very simple EAN - 13 barcode generator written in C#. using System; using System.Text; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Drawing2D; using System.Drawing.Imaging; using Karna.Barcode.Properties; using System.Globalization; namespace Karna.Barcode { public class Ean13 { private string barcodeId; private Image image; public Ean13(Image image) { this.image = image; } public string BarcodeId { get { return barcodeId; } set { if (value == null) return; if (value.Length != 13) { throw new ArgumentException("Wrong data length"); } barcodeId = value; string s = null; string[,] encTable = new string[3, 10]; int[,] parityToEnc = new int[10, 8]; parityToEnc[1, 2] = 0; ...

De afscheidsplechtigheid voor trein P7349 en P8349

Op vrijdag 11 december 2009 zouden we graag met zijn allen afscheid nemen van onze vertrouwde treinen P7349 en P8349. Deze afscheidsplechtigheid zal plaatsvinden in het station van Leuven tussen 6:45 en 6:57. Wij nodigen u vriendelijk uit om in Leuven even uit te stappen en u naar de voorkant van de trein te begeven. Daar zal een rouwkrans overhandigd worden aan de treinbestuurder met de vraag deze vooraan an de trein te bevestigen. Er zal ook een kopie van onze petities afgegeven worden voor de directie van de NMBS. Na deze korte plechtigheid, hopelijk in aanwezigheid van de pers die ook uitgenodigd zal worden, stappen we allen samen terug op om onze laatste rit verder te zetten.

EIDNative update

EIDNative Library is released today and available for download at Sourceforge: In this version was improved the support of Visual Basic and VBA, added SIS cards support for VBA and added the card detection with SIS and EID cards support. There are 2 functions available now IsEIDCard and IsSISCard. When SIS card is inserted into reader EIDNative switches automatically to SIS cards reading mode. As the switch between reading modes is not very fast operation, it is not recommended to close the GUI application when SIS card is still inserted into reader. In this case the application window disappears with some delay. You can also avoid it by reading card in the separate thread (Delphi, C++ and C#). I also added the documentation for Visual Basic and Visual Basic sample of reading SIS card.

EIDNativeX update

 New version of EIDNativeX ActiveX control for reading Belgian eID and SIS cards is available for download. EIDNativeX has no external dependencies and works without eID Middleware. Download link: What's new in this release: GetPicture function returns IPictureDisp interface ( stdPicture in Visual Basic ) IsSISCard function added in addition to IsEIDCard function CardConnected and ConnectToCard procedures support now SIS card also I would like to thanks  Christophe Van Ongevalle Peter Mondelaers Wouter Devos Ben De Cat René Boesmans for helping me, providing useful ideas and bug reports. For freeware projects the support of the users means always a lot. Than you guys! If you have an idea about the new feature, please use User Voice Forum