
Showing posts from February, 2012

Krento 2.1.672.13 released

Krento 2.1.672.13 released and available for download from Reduced CPU usage during the circle rotation Added compatibility with Narrator for partially sighted people Fixed bug with the drawing of the complex skins Implemented smooth kinematic turning of the circle Central button shows now the list of the available rings for fast ring selection Windows + Z shows the ring selection even when Krento is not visible Added configuration parameter for the default number of the empty stones when creating the new circle. You can select the appropriate number or set it to 0 if you want to create an ampty circles always Added parameter to specify the name of the default circle (like the home page of the browser).  The home button can be used to navigate to the default circle The ico files can be used for stones images 

Update for Quricol library from Krzysztof Michalowski

Krzysztof Michalowski modified the code to load library dynamically. This allows you to run a program when there is no library. Here is the code provided to me by Krzysztof. unit QuricolCode; interface uses Windows, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Dialogs; type TQRCode = class public class procedure GenerateBitmap(const FileName : string; const Text : string; Margin : integer = 4; PixelSize : integer = 3); class procedure GeneratePng(const FileName : string; const Text : string; Margin : integer = 4; PixelSize : integer = 3); class function GetBitmap(const Text : string; Margin : integer = 4; PixelSize : integer = 3) : TBitmap; class procedure GetPng(Stream : TStream; const Text : string; Margin : integer = 4; PixelSize : integer = 3); end; implementation { TQRCode } class procedure TQRCode.GenerateBitmap(const FileName, Text: string; Margin, PixelSize: integer); type TGenerateBMPWProc = procedure (fileName: PWChar; text : PWCh...

Krento Screen Saver

Some time ago I received the request for Krento Screen Saver from one of the Krento fans and finally found free time to implement it. You can download freeware Krento Screen Saver from my site: