More details about Krento

Krento is .NET application, animated, alpha blended and skinned widget and application engine. Maybe at first sight it looks like some dock applications, but it's wrong impression. Every item of Krento Stones Circle is mini-application (widget) that can do different tasks. Krento allows development of new stone's types. That allows to easy extend Krento functionality.
Krento also supports AddOns (plugins) based on Karna .NET technology. It makes the project even more flexible.

Unlike other applications, Krento do not simulate any Mac applications. Most of the Krento functionality is accessible by using keyboard or mouse, so the people who used to type or to click should feel comfortable with it. It does not stay at the desktop hidden by other applications, like many widget engines and do not stay at the screen edge, like dock applications. It simply popup when you press hot-key combination or press the mouse wheel.

Krento source code
Krento is freeware, but not Open Source project. The source code of Krento is not available to everyone, please do not request it.


  1. Looks awesome! Our team have awarded Krento organizer with a highest award.

  2. Link to source code is broken. Can you repost?


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