Showing posts from March, 2010
Krento 1.4.509.29 release
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Krento 1.4.509.29 released and available for download from Release information: * Full support for drag and drop of virtual objects from Windows Explorer. You can drag now not only files and folders, but Control Panel applets, printers, Mobile Devices, Disk Drives, etc... Krento is probably the only one application from all Docks and Launchers that can handle virtual objects properly. * Fixed problem with stone description when dragging drives to Krento stone * Fixed "Invalid / Missing File" message when dragging not a file, but a folder to Krento stone
Brazialian Portuguese Localization for Krento
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Translator: Knight Rider ( SoQuadrinhos ) made Brazialian Portuguese Localization for Krento. Download and more details: Instalar: Abra as opções do Krento (Options) (Ctrl+E) Clique na aba "Tuning" Clique em "Open Data Folder" Abra a pasta "Language" e cole seu arquivo de idioma Reinicie o Krento Abra as opções do Krento, aba Tuning Nas configurações de idioma (Language), mude para "Portuguese (Brazil)" Clique OK e reinicie o Krento
Krento 1.4.397.25 release
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Krento 1.4.397.25 released and available for download from Direct download links: Download Krento 32 bit edition Download Krento 64 bit edition Download Krento portable edition Release information: Added Krento menu skins. Now you can change the look of Krento menus using skins Full Unicode support. By default Krento will create rings in Unicode format. Language files changed to Unicode as well. Added keyboard shortcuts visualization to Krento menu. Fixed translation bugs Fixed problem with saving of custom Krento rings (missing icons, invalid stone description, etc...) Fixed problem with missing icons on Krento ring when close / restart Krento When new target application is selected in configuration dialog, the default icon is updated automatically Added possibility to backup user data (including stones, skins, languages, etc...) Some memory usage fixes Fixed bug with closing Pulsar using Alt+F4 Fixed Krento hot-key handling when setti...
Ortus SIS Viewer
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The SIS Viewer application is a FREE application for Microsoft Windows that uses the eIDnative Library to access the Belgian SIS Card. The card contents are displayed almost immediately. Multi-language support (Dutch, French, German and English) has been provided. The card contents can be printed as well as exported to PDF format. Highlights Fast card access using the eIDnative Library Direct (native) card access Printing fascilities Export to PDF
Ortus eID Viewer
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Ortus eID Viewer application is a FREE application for Microsoft Windows that uses the eIDnative Library to access the Belgian Electronic Id Card. The card contents are displayed almost immediately. Multi-language support (Dutch, French, German and English) has been provided. The card contents can be printed as well as exported to PDF format.
Русская версия Krento
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Это сообщение я решил написать на русском языке, так как оно предназначается для русскоязычных пользователей Krento. Вышла новая версия Кренто 1.4, которая доступна для скачивания с . Начиная с этой версии Кренто становится интернациональной с возможностью поддержки дополнительных языков интерфейса. Первым дополнительным языком, который поддерживает Кренто я выбрал русский. В дальнейшем предполагается поддерживать все языки, которые будут востребованы пользователями и для перевода на которые найдутся добровольцы. Выбор языка осуществляется в окне настройки: После смены языка необходимо перезапустить Кренто, чтобы изменения вступили в силу. Весь текст, который использует Кренто, хранится во внешнем текстовом файле в формате Unicode. Если Вы желаете изменить или улучшить перевод, Вы можете просто отредактировать файл ru-Ru.lng который хранится в папке Krento\Languages. Редактировать языковый файл можно просто в Блокноте Если у Вас есть более правильный вариант пере...
Krento 1.3.312.9 released
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Krento 1.3.312.9 is available for download from New features: * Krento application ring can be assigned to the stone * Extended stones types: - File or website launcher - Krento Application Ring - My current IP address - My Documents - My Pictures - My Computer - Recycle Bin * New stones for power management - Shutdown computer - Restart computer - Stand by computer - Hibernate computer * Optimized painting and reduced memory usage Want new feature? Say your idea at Krento Feature Request forum. No registration needed. Currently I am working on internationalization of Krento and translation it to the different languages.
Application Ring vs Stones Circle
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Krento uses some own terminology for it's parts, but not all is standardized yet. Some of the users call one applications set "Application Ring" other "Stones Circle" or "Krento Circle". I would like to ask everybody what is the better name for application set. It's also important for the future translation of Krento to other languages. You can vote on the Krento forum:
Krento private user data
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I must admit that most of Windows applications is more easy to use and configure than Linux applications. At the same time users see them as a kind of "back boxes". If something going on then the easiest way to fix the problem is to reinstall the application. I prefer that Krento users know what kind of information is stored on the hard drive by Krento, how to backup this information, modify it or remove when uninstalling the application. The main data folder of Krento is a subfolder named "Krento" and located in "Application Data" folder (ususally hidden). How to find "Application Data" folder on your PC? Krento can help you. Open Krento settings dialog and press "Open Data Folder" button. Another way is to open your user folder and find there "Application Data" folder. and then select "Roaming" subfolder. The last way (oh, my god) is to navigate to the folder "C:\Documents and Settings\ User \Applicatio...