Delphi class for managing file associations
File associations provide a straightforward and useful way for users and developers to customize the Shell's treatment of defined file types.
Application developers can use file associations to link an application to one or more desired file types, and customize the Shell's treatment of that application's file type. For example, when the application installs, it can check for the existence of the appropriate file associations, and either create or override them as appropriate. The file association can then cause the Shell to display custom icons for files of the given types. The file association can also control how the Shell interprets user input for a file of a given type. For example, when a user double-clicks a file, the Shell launches the application and uses it to open the file.
The following Delphi class can be used to associate the application with the given file extension and compatible with Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7.
Application developers can use file associations to link an application to one or more desired file types, and customize the Shell's treatment of that application's file type. For example, when the application installs, it can check for the existence of the appropriate file associations, and either create or override them as appropriate. The file association can then cause the Shell to display custom icons for files of the given types. The file association can also control how the Shell interprets user input for a file of a given type. For example, when a user double-clicks a file, the Shell launches the application and uses it to open the file.
The following Delphi class can be used to associate the application with the given file extension and compatible with Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Windows 7 Delphi interface // // Serhiy Perevoznyk // // THIS CODE AND INFORMATION ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES // OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- unit FileRegistrationHelper; interface uses Windows, SysUtils, ShlObj, ShlWApi; type // Provides a straightforward and useful way for users and developers to // customize the Shell's treatment of defined file types. // Use file associations any time you need to control, extend, or modify the // Shell's treatment of certain file types. TFileRegistrationHelper = class {$REGION 'Private'} private FProgID : string; FAppPath : string; FFriendlyName : string; FAppUserModelID : string; FExtToRegister : string; function RegisterProgid(DoRegister : boolean) : HRESULT; function RegisterToHandleExt(pszExt : string; fRegister : boolean) : HRESULT; function RegSetString(Key : HKEY; pszSubKey : string; pszValue : string; pszData : string) : HRESULT; {$ENDREGION} public constructor Create(const ProgramId, Path, FriendlyName, AppUserModelID, Extension : string); function RegisterToHandleFileType : HRESULT; function IsFileTypeRegistered : boolean; function UnRegisterFileTypeHandler : HRESULT; end; implementation { TFileRegistrationHelper } function TFileRegistrationHelper.IsFileTypeRegistered: boolean; var hkeyProgid : HKEY; begin Result := false; if (SUCCEEDED(HResultFromWin32(RegOpenKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, PWideChar(FProgID), hkeyProgid)))) then begin Result := true; RegCloseKey(hkeyProgid); end; end; constructor TFileRegistrationHelper.Create(const ProgramId, Path, FriendlyName, AppUserModelID, Extension: string); begin FProgID := ProgramId; FAppPath := Path; FFriendlyName := FriendlyName; FAppUserModelID := AppUserModelID; FExtToRegister := Extension; end; function TFileRegistrationHelper.RegisterProgid(DoRegister: boolean): HRESULT; var hkeyProgid : HKEY; lRes : integer; hkeyShell : HKEY; szIcon : string; szCmdLine : string; begin if (DoRegister) then begin Result := HResultFromWin32(RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, PWideChar(FProgID), 0, nil, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_SET_VALUE or KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY , nil, hkeyProgid, nil)); if (SUCCEEDED(Result)) then begin RegSetString(hkeyProgid, '', 'FriendlyTypeName', FFriendlyName); Result := RegSetString(hkeyProgid, '', 'AppUserModelID', FAppUserModelID); if (SUCCEEDED(Result)) then begin szIcon := FAppPath + ',0'; Result := RegSetString(hkeyProgid, 'DefaultIcon', '', szIcon); if (SUCCEEDED(Result)) then begin Result := RegSetString(hkeyProgid, 'CurVer', '', FProgID); if (SUCCEEDED(Result)) then begin Result := HResultFromWin32(RegCreateKeyEx(hkeyProgid, 'shell', 0, nil, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_SET_VALUE or KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY, nil, hkeyShell, nil)); if (SUCCEEDED(Result)) then begin // The list of verbs provided by the ProgID is located uner the "shell" key. Here, only // the single "Open" verb is registered. szCmdLine := '"' + FAppPath + '" "%1"'; Result := RegSetString(hkeyShell, 'Open\Command', '', szCmdLine); if (SUCCEEDED(Result)) then begin // Set "Open" as the default verb for this ProgID. Result := RegSetString(hkeyShell, '', '', 'Open'); end; RegCloseKey(hkeyShell); end end end end; RegCloseKey(hkeyProgid); end end else begin lRes := SHDeleteKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, PWideChar(FProgID)); if ( (ERROR_SUCCESS = lRes) or (ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND = lRes)) then Result := S_OK else Result := HResultFromWin32(lRes); end; end; function TFileRegistrationHelper.RegisterToHandleExt(pszExt: string; fRegister: boolean): HRESULT; var szKey : string; hkeyProgidList : HKEY; hkeyExtension : HKEY; begin szKey := pszExt; Result := HResultFromWin32(RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, PWideChar(szKey), 0, nil, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_SET_VALUE, nil, hkeyExtension, nil)); if Succeeded(Result) then begin RegSetString(hkeyExtension, '', '', PWideChar(FProgId)); RegCloseKey(hkeyExtension); end; // All ProgIDs that can handle a given file type should be listed under OpenWithProgids, even if listed // as the default, so they can be enumerated in the Open With dialog, and so the Jump Lists can find // the correct ProgID to use when relaunching a document with the specific application the Jump List is // associated with. szKey := szKey + '\OpenWithProgids'; Result := HResultFromWin32(RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, PWideChar(szKey), 0, nil, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_SET_VALUE, nil, hkeyProgidList, nil)); if (SUCCEEDED(Result)) then begin if (fRegister) then begin Result := HResultFromWin32(RegSetValueEx(hkeyProgidList, PWideChar(FProgID), 0, REG_NONE, nil, 0)); end else begin Result := HResultFromWin32(RegDeleteValue(hkeyProgidList, PWideChar(FProgID))); end; RegCloseKey(hkeyProgidList); end; end; function TFileRegistrationHelper.RegisterToHandleFileType: HRESULT; begin Result := RegisterProgid(TRUE); if (SUCCEEDED(Result)) then begin Result := RegisterToHandleExt(FExtToRegister, TRUE); if (SUCCEEDED(Result)) then // Notify that file associations have changed SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED, SHCNF_IDLIST, nil, nil); end; end; function TFileRegistrationHelper.RegSetString(Key: HKEY; pszSubKey, pszValue, pszData: string): HRESULT; begin Result := HResultFromWin32(SHSetValue(Key, PWideChar(pszSubKey), PWideChar(pszValue), REG_SZ, PWideChar(pszData), (Length(pszData) + 1) * sizeof(CHAR))); end; function TFileRegistrationHelper.UnRegisterFileTypeHandler: HRESULT; begin Result := RegisterProgid(FALSE); if (SUCCEEDED(Result)) then begin Result := RegisterToHandleExt(FExtToRegister, FALSE); if (SUCCEEDED(Result)) then // Notify that file associations have changed SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED, SHCNF_IDLIST, nil, nil); end; end; end.
Hello Friend Would Show an Example of How to Associate a File JPG with your class?
ReplyDeleteAnother question is Needed for your Class Administrator User in Windows 7?
Associate: TFileRegistrationHelper;
Associate := TFileRegistrationHelper.Create ( ?, ParamStr(0), ?,
?, '.jpg' or 'jpg');
Thank You for Your Attention.
ReplyDeleteF : TFileRegistrationHelper;
F := TFileRegistrationHelper.Create('Microsoft.Samples.TaskbarDemo', ParamStr(0),
'TaskbarDemo Document', 'TaskbarDemo.AppID.', '.w7c');
Please read the next article about using Windows 7 jump list where you will find more detailed information.