Swelio 1.6 released

Swelio 1.6 is available for download.
This release includes bugs fixing based on the users feedback.
Thanks to Tom Pester and Tim Messiaen for useful comments.

The new version of this blog is available on https://perevoznyk.wordpress.com


  1. Hello,

    I find your Swelio library wonderful,

    But I have a small problem and I hope you can help me,

    When I read the data of the "Document type field" I find a long number, example : 1677785

    But how can I split that to check if this long number equal to my choice ? :

    1:Belgian citizen
    6:kids card (< 12 year)
    7:bootstrap card
    8:“habilitation/machtigings” card
    11: card A
    12: card B
    . . .

    THank you.

    1. From your message is not clear what version of the library and ehat programming language do you use. As a first step, I would suggest to download the latest version of Swelio from github.

    2. Hello,

      Thank you for your answer,
      I'm using Windev programming language,
      and I'm using your lastest version swelio-sdk (I think 1.7)
      I downloaded it from https://github.com/perevoznyk/swelio-sdk
      I downloaded the lastest version Commited on Feb 6, 2018 (6 days ago).

      I can retrieve most data from eID card without problem :
      First/Last name, Picture, Birthdate, Address, Nationality, ...etc.
      But I can't retrieve "DocumentType" field, into this field I found 1677785 instead of :
      1 (for Belgian citizen) OR 6 (for kids card) OR 7 (for bootstrap card), ...etc.

      Any idea please ?

      Thank you :)

    3. Bonjour Monsieur Serhiy Perevoznyk,
      comment pourrais-je prendre contact avec vous,
      car, j'ai vraiment besoin de vous.
      S"il vous plait.

    4. Salut, quelle est ta question?

    5. Oh Monsieur Serhiy Perevoznyk,
      Dieu soit loue, Merçi de m'avoir répondu.

      Monsieur Perevoznyk,
      j'ai un problème pour lire les cartes d'identité Belge,
      il y a des années d'ici, j'avais réussi à faire avec le vieux VB6 sous XP.

      Cependant, Monsieur Perevoznyk, je ne sait pas comment programmer
      pour la lecture de la carte d'identité. car, c'est très indispensable pour nous.
      Quand le client veut la carte du magasin, nous avons besoins de récupérer
      rapidement les données dans la base de données, et par la suite nous
      imprimons une carte fidélité, et aussi pour les envoies de publicité.
      mais sans çà, nous savons plus délivrer de carte fidélité.

      Monsieur Perevoznyk, permettez-moi de vous invité dans notre
      magasin familliale, ce qui me permettras aussi de vous présenté
      avec grande honneur mon logiciel de ventes que j'ai créer sous VS2012.

      Monsieur Perevoznyk, J'ai essayé de suivre de prêt vos informations que
      vous avez mise à dispositions, mais je n'ai pas eu le moindre résultat.

      Monsieur Perevoznyk, mes parents, seront ravit, que vous puisez-nous aider,
      et aussi d'accord de pouvoir vous régler financièrement.

      Monsieur Perevoznyk, vous restez notre dernière espoir.

      En attende, d'une réponse favorable de votre part,

      Veuillez, agréer, Monsieur Perevoznyk, mes sentiments distinguées.

  2. It appears that you are running into endianness differences between Swelio and WinDev. Endianness determines the order that bytes are read by the cpu. For example, if you have the number 1, it can be stored as a 32-bit integer (4 bytes) as either 0x 00 00 00 01 (big endian) or 0x 01 00 00 00 (little endian). This explains why you get 16777216 for the value 1, as 0x01000000 == 16777216.

    1. Exactly,

      It was Endianness problem, so :

      I converted to hexa : IntToHexa(Data.nDocumentType,2) // ex : 16777216 => 01000000
      Than, I extracted numeric value from by using val() function :
      Trace(Val(sHexa)) // 01000000 => 1 // eID Belgian citizen.

      Thank you so much :)

  3. Monsieur Serhiy Perevoznyk, ??

  4. Hello Serhihy, I've made an EID app with your nice Swelio library, but I've ons question.

    With the PictureBox in a desktop app I have no problems to read a picture of a person. In my web application.... Can anybody find a solution to read a picture of a person in an ASP.NET web application. The rest works smoothly.


    1. Found a solution for that:

      For a web application you run locally .... you can do this:

      System.Drawing.Image photo = card.ReadPhoto();

      if (photo != null)
      MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
      photo.Save(stream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
      string imgString = Convert.ToBase64String(stream.ToArray());
      img.Src = $"data:image/Jpeg;base64,{imgString}";
      txtErrorMessage.Text = "Can not read EID picture";

  5. Hello Serhihy, I've made an EID app with your nice Swelio library, but I've ons question.

    With the PictureBox in a desktop app I have no problems to read a picture of a person. In my web application.... Can anybody find a solution to read a picture of a person in an ASP.NET web application. The rest works smoothly.


    1. Found a solution for that:

      For a web application you run locally .... you can do this:

      System.Drawing.Image photo = card.ReadPhoto();

      if (photo != null)
      MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
      photo.Save(stream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
      string imgString = Convert.ToBase64String(stream.ToArray());
      img.Src = $"data:image/Jpeg;base64,{imgString}";
      txtErrorMessage.Text = "Can not read EID picture";


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